To this day, nothing is more creepier than a doll. Take Chucky from Child’s Play as an example. This is the second book my friend …
Book Review | You’ll Never Know, Dear by Hallie Ephron

To this day, nothing is more creepier than a doll. Take Chucky from Child’s Play as an example. This is the second book my friend …
If you were given a choice to sacrifice a loved one to save the rest of the world, would you do it? The lives of …
Aaaaand another one to add to my suspense thriller list. I accepted the audio version from the author in exchange for an honest review. The synopsis …
Synopsis What do you do when someone takes advantage of your greatest weakness? When Laura wakes up after her office Christmas party and sees a …
An outstanding start to my November reads! I will forever be grateful to my best friend for bringing me two copies of Lisa Gardner’s books …
Don’t think I need to explain, that even through I’ve always loved books, it’s only recently since I got “serious” about actually reading them. So, …
I am massively into period dramas and sometimes wonder if I was born in the wrong century all-together. Now, add a little bit of supernatural …
Rubbernecker by Belinda Bauer is a great whodunnit. I loved the author’s style from the moment I read the first chapter of Snap and she …
BRAVO! I See You by Clare Mackintosh is a solid 5/5! In all honesty I wasn’t expecting anything less. As soon as I picked up …
Oh boy, it has taken me a while to gather my thoughts on Mindhunter. I’ve always been interested in true crime. I love watching the …